Wobei wahrscheinlich ein Raspberry o.ä. mit einem Digital Signage System die professionellere Lösung wäre

Wenn man danach sucht findet man einige "ready-to-use" Lösungen.

Dann muß dafür kein ganzer Mac/PC abgestellt werden und man braucht einen Bruchteil des Stroms im Dauerbetrieb.

z.B. https://www.binaryemotions.com/digital-signage/raspberry-digital-signage/

Das hat dann den Vorteil, daß das Bestücken auch von der PR-Abteilung oder wer auch immer das bei Euch betreuen soll gemacht werden kann und das System sich um "ordentliches Aussehen" kümmert.

It shows web resources from Internet, local network or internal sources (a WordPress installation is embedded by default inside the system, so you can use the Pi itself as the source webserver).

Raspberry Digital Signage comes with the latest Chromium builds (featuring HTML5 capabilities), so you can display more attractive resources, more easily.

System internals

system starts in digital signage mode with the saved settings – a link to the admin interface is always displayed upon bootstrap for a few seconds;
SSH root access is available (*);
screen can be rotated using the graphical admin interface: normal, inverted, left, right (*).

Web view

the mouse pointer hides in about a minute of user inactivity;
a browser full reset after a specified user inactivity feature is available (*);
force reloading of web page content after a specified time is possible as well (*). Please note that this is a hack (normally it’s not possible to interfere with web pages’ behaviour from the outside of them) and only webpages which can lay within frames will work (quite all sites are however compatible);
in order to obtain a higher level of security for the system, it’s possible to disable mouse and keyboard inputs completely;
you can schedule a system halt;
a token (machine MAC address without “:” characters) can be added at the very end of the called URL, allowing multiple Pis pointing just one server location, for example: http://yourserver.com?id=080027fe959b. It’s then up to your server logic to display the appropriate content for the client;
HTTP proxy is settable by using the graphical admin interface;
a VNC server is also available;
it’s possible to modify browser components/settings permanently (*) and persist them so that they will persist reboots.