f3 - Fight Flash Fraud und F3X

Using HomeBrew
If you have Homebrew already installed in your computer, the command below will install F3:
brew install f3

Other resources
Graphical User Interfaces
Thanks to our growing community of fraud fighters, we have a couple of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) available for F3:
F3 QT is a Linux GUI that uses QT. F3 QT supports f3write, f3read, and f3probe. Author: Tianze.
F3 X is a OS X GUI that uses Cocoa. F3 X supports f3write and f3read. Author: Guilherme Rambo.
Please support these projects testing and giving feedback to their authors. This will make their code improve as it has improved mine.

führt zu:
macOS 10.4, 10.14, 10.15, 11, 12, 13 sowie iOS 12, 15 und 17