Farben in OS X basieren doch alle auf CGFloat.

Sei es Cocoa Drawing [apple.com], Quartz [apple.com] oder CoreGraphics [apple.com].

CoreImage [apple.com] unterstützt sogar explizit 16 Bit pro Komponente:
» kCIFormatRGBA16
» A 64 bit-per-pixel, fixed-point pixel format.
» Available in OS X v10.4 and later.

Bleibt also nur Daten lesen (was eher Aufgabe des jeweiligen Programms ist) und Ausgabe, wo es wohl hängt [nativedigital.co.uk]:
» We did think for a while that Mavericks had finally enabled Apple to catch
» up with Microsoft and allow full 10 bit output to a monitor, from a
» compatible graphics card. However even though Mavericks does allow the
» creation of 10 bit look up tables in the graphics card the actual output is
» still 8 bit, even with Thunderbolt. So for now it looks as though they are
» one step closer but not there yet.